fun Adversarial attack on DL A demonstration fo adversarial attack on CNN based image classification models Backprop from scratch Implemented backpropagation for multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) CNN Architectures Reimplementation of influential Convolutional Neural Network architectures. Deep Reinforcement Learning Q Learning and Deep Q-Learning to train agents that plays different games Cat Faces A demonstration of GAN for generating cat faces Self-supervised Learning A demonstration of Self Supervised ML Conditional VAE A demonstration of VAE and CVAE for generative modeling work OMV SaaS for Norwegian municipalities to motor vehicle permit in the outfield SOL SaaS for Norwegian municipalities to handle Separation of Land iWORLAIS A system for handling land data transactions LIFT MIS A project data management information system MASSREG A system for systematic mass registration land information