A system for systematic mass registration land information
Project Description
MASSREG – Is an acronym for MASS Registration of Land Parcels. Its software enables systematic registration of both the spatial details of the parcels and the personal details of the landholders. It is developed to enable the registration of land parcels in the nation. It was developed for the Ethiopian Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) Program by DAI. MASSREG is deployed in hundreds of (administrative unites in Ethiopia) across the country. Most of these Woredas are offline but MASSREG has builtin catamites to allow offline synchronization to enable centralized monitoring and reporting.
Current Status
The project is completed and has been successfully used to record over 14 million land records. Even though the initial implementation of MASSREG was planned to be an interim solution (under the name iMASSREG), the success meant it went to was integrated to the permanent National Rural Land Information System (NRLAIS). NRLAIS is operated and maintained by Ministry of Agriculture. Tadesse et. al. partially document this integration.
Yohannes Reda, the project manger for NRLAIS, does an excellent job at demostrating some features of MASSREG component of NRLAIS in the following video
- Collect requirement and design system
- Develop the software using JEE, PostgreSQL/postGIS, and Python(for QGIS plugin)
- Overseeing deployment and user training process
- Documented each phase.